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t1_j9s1xm1 wrote

If you're looking for a bit more rural, Rainier OR is just over the bridge from Longview, a lot of hobby farms and multi-acre lots.


t1_j9s90wl wrote

But then you're losing 9% of your pay to income tax.


t1_j9sw1so wrote

You have to pay state income tax if you live there, but work in WA?


t1_j9tovun wrote



t1_j9uis7m wrote

Lame. OR is rude, man. If I live in WA, but work in OR -- I have to pay their income tax.

Their citizens should be able to do the opposite (not pay state income if they work out of state).

Meanwhile, they are allowed to negate WA sales tax by showing an OR ID. That should go away too.

Oh well.


t1_j9vqnvh wrote

Yeah, it's a bit lame. I live and work in Washington, but my wife works in Oregon. It's kind of annoying that we have to pay Oregon taxes on her income, and also file the Oregon tax return. A nice benefit of living in Washington is not having to file a state return at all.

Since we live in Washington we don't really get any of the benefit of those income taxes, other than maybe the roads she travels on to commute.