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t1_jalf1lm wrote

On the flip side, Eastern WA has a very high Hispanic population. So many amazing taco trucks and fusion restaurants.


t1_jamjt0d wrote

You mean central WA has a high population of Hispanics. Lived here for 4 years and the only Hispanics I met are my neighbors. That’s it. Taco trucks are not an indicative of populations


t1_jamx013 wrote

Obviously different where you are. Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla, Yakima, Grant, and Chelan have large Hispanic populations and small business owners.


t1_jamy5qq wrote

But that is not eastern WA, is it? That is central WA, and it does have a big Hispanic community. Spokane has 6%. Proportion wise, that’s not a big, vibrant Hispanic community.


t1_jamylq7 wrote

Everything east of the cascades is eastern Washington. And in relation to the population in those areas, yes it is. I think Yakima is 50%.


t1_jamzh5m wrote

Spokane is not Yakima though. It might be east of the cascades, but it’s not eastern Wa, it’s central. Everything about the two regions is different. This is how I think of Wa state regions, sorry I don’t know how to add pics. It is a map about CoVid opening, but if you Google a map of Wa state regions, you will get the same thing. Even the universities are called Central WA, they are not eastern Wa in the center of the state



t1_jao4qnd wrote

Oh lord. As far as the person posting the question, its all eastern Washington. Subgroupings are irrelevant to the context of the question.


t1_jao8wd7 wrote

He says in his posting he has seen West/ central and he is looking at eastern WA. We apparently have different interpretations of eastern WA. You consider everything East of the cascades eastern WA. I don’t - I consider Ritzville Davenport and East of Ritzville Davenport on i90 eastern Wa. 🤷🏻‍♀️


t1_jamrnsn wrote

The Tri-Cities area is roughly 32.4% Hispanic. Sorry for not looking up census data for a quick road trip recommendation. 🙄,richlandcitywashington,kennewickcitywashington/POP815221


t1_jamw425 wrote

Tri-cities is not Spokane, though, is it? And he said he is visiting Eastern Wa, not the SE


t1_jamwvgy wrote

Heaven forbid I forget to check Spokane's census data before making a comment on Reddit. You're being an ass over a quick road trip recommendation.


t1_jamxosi wrote

Dude, what the fuck is your problem? He is a person of color, he is concerned about safety in places he is visiting. As an immigrant, I understand that. Also, just spewing off BS at him doesn’t help. There’s lots of fusion cuisine/ taco trucks - that’s BS, that doesn’t help him. The reality is we had rallies and convoys of trump loving neo-Nazis here, so I wouldn’t say it is overly safe for someone who is a POC. Population wise, I know 2 black people and 2 Hispanics, plus the staff at the Mexican restaurant we go to. This area is not a cornucopia of nations. Racially is it 88% white, don’t paint it to be the United Nations, with people singing kumbaya in peace together.


t1_jamyluk wrote

Maybe you should've specified that you were only talking about Spokane from the start. I pretty calmly pointed out that other parts of Eastern WA have higher Hispanic populations, and you just keep coming back with "not in Spokane!"

Chelan County: 28.7%

Grant County: 43.1%

Walla Walla County: 22.6%

Franklin County: 54.1%

Benton County: 24.0%

Feel free to look up the rest of the counties. I'm done here.


t1_jamwbdr wrote

Spokane has 6% Hispanics, so I wouldn’t say that to be a high population of Hispanics


t1_jamjve5 wrote

Also I work in the medical system, and not a whole lot of Hispanics come through