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itstreeman t1_japh3c3 wrote

My first thought was: confusing to not have them connected but then I remembered that the lie has been changed. But we also live in a state named for a president because “Columbia was too confusing”. Now we have a river of Columbia and nomenclature of dc being the other Washington


Soosietyrell t1_japi7u3 wrote

when I was a kid in the 70s we had a “visit WA” ad that said something like “Visit Washington (the State!)


itstreeman t1_jaq6bvq wrote

There was a distant place that made airplanes and had a pointy tower surrounded by clouds about that time in pop culture. Then Seattle started to be known. Now that I live in spokane, I’m always surprised people know where it is (and that it’s the only Spokane)


Soosietyrell t1_jatr98t wrote

I went to the Worlds Fair in 1974. I was born in Moses Lake, WA… I mot definitely know where Spokane is!!!


itstreeman t1_jaup5rc wrote

Ooo fun. I should have specified I meant when I’m in far away states


itstreeman t1_jaup692 wrote

Ooo fun. I should have specified I meant when I’m in far away states