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brewgeoff t1_jc2pz9f wrote

r/VancouverWA msy be more helpful


hdporter98 OP t1_jc2u349 wrote

Well, I want things outside of Vancouver as well. Like I know Mnt Rainer is something people have mentioned. So, i’m looking outside the area at least mayhe 2.5 hours away at most


peggysue_82 t1_jc30co0 wrote

When are you planning on visiting? Mount Rainier is only open for weekends currently, and the trails are all under snow.

I’d recommend going to Cape Disappointment and Long Beach. Or down the Oregon coast to Cannon Beach.


hdporter98 OP t1_jc328ml wrote

Oh we’re not going until August!


peggysue_82 t1_jc33tfo wrote

If you do rainier, plan on getting to the park at the butt crack of dawn. It fills up very quickly.


hdporter98 OP t1_jcglbs6 wrote

i don’t really mind if it’s busy. it’s a big park with many different trails


peggysue_82 t1_jcgllin wrote

Parking is the problem, they won’t let you if there’s no open parking spots. You can be waiting hours for park entry.


hdporter98 OP t1_jcgm78v wrote

ahh okay yeah we’re going with people who live there so hopefully they’d know that lol


peggysue_82 t1_jcgmhww wrote

That’s a bold assumption. Lol Most locals don’t actually visit the Mountain all that often. Mostly due to cost and overcrowding.


hdporter98 OP t1_jcgmovg wrote

Calm down lol. It’s not a giant deal, we’re there for a week. 😂 it’s not even expensive 😂 i already looked on the website. it’s not like we can’t talk to them