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t1_je2tp5n wrote

Washington has everything and most ppl don’t even know it.. Heck, I was born on Larsen AFB in early 60s and grew up there! I remember my parents showing me the ginkgo trees and petrified wood in eastern Washington when I was young…. I remember the isolation of the dry hills around Vantage, from a band trip from rural western WA to Pullman…. I remember the Potholes and how weird they looked to a 4 yo… I remember the amazing beauty of the Sunrise side at Mount Rainier and hiking on the base of Mowich Glacier with my dad when I was 7ish… I remember flying a kite with him at Dungeness hook for HOURS…. I remember Mount Baker on super clear days driving up to my Grandpa’s in Snohomish…. and the tulip fields up the Skagit on drive to Gramma’s in Mt. Vernon…. Sitting my Grandpa’s shoulders at the 4th of July parade in Everett and then another time in Leavenworth… the beauty of skiing up at Snoqualmie when it was a backwater…. And then visiting in 2017 and seeing Hurricane Ridge in the sunshine for the first time in my life! I got to work as a forest fire guard south of Snoqualmie Pass for 3 summers… just took all that life up near and at the crest for granted back then…. Its amazing. My dad’s little acre out there still is a thing of rainforest wonder to me!

ETA I didn’t mean to write a book… but I moved to Chicago when I was 18 and now live in OH… the things I took for granted (views of Rainier from where I grew up on a sunny day for instance) are not overstated - last November I was back there and driving from Airport area east to my dad’s… had a shot of Rainier in the early sunlight (and in NOVEMBER!)…. And I used to see it out the window of my school bus…. Didn’t think twice…. I pulled over to take a picture because now I know most people don’t have a Mount Rainier view from their school bus.


t1_je8k8zf wrote

Wow, Larsen! Around the time you were born there, my grandpa worked there for AT&T, and my grandma for IBM supporting the SAGE facility.


t1_jecmqao wrote

It was actually quite a big deal. Dad was the corporal with the high security clearance who sat with the guys with the keys on the late shift. He only recently started talking about it - took that 50 year NDA seriously. I am learning some stuff. Sounds like your family knows some stuff too!