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tourmalatedideas t1_irfoa59 wrote

Eccentric one bedroom with a view. Nestled in lush vegetation 1.3 million


strangehitman22 t1_irfrj1s wrote

In a storm perhaps and couldn't be bothered to get it back?


LeoAtrox t1_irfzkwa wrote

Scrolling through Reddit and thought briefly that this was a Gilligan's Island post.


anybodyiwant2be t1_irgcajy wrote

It’ll float again when we get that 10+ earthquake we are due for. Dead old growth cedar forests in that area (caused by post earthquake tidal waves in the past) helped scientists determine we only get big earthquakes every 500-1500 years and when we do they are over 10.0…


moktor t1_irgfdq2 wrote

I love Bay Center. We used to take a trip to the KOA there every year and spend a week or so. They have private beds that you can go clam digging on. I miss it.