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1198Corse OP t1_itjxdxr wrote

Integrated pump in the foot, socket has a flexible inner shell, two cut outs w/ a line strung throughout to allow for loosening or tightening as needed for volume control. Inner liner to protect me, outer liner for vacuum sandwiched between the soft inner shell and carbon socket.


fishful-thinking t1_itl71a5 wrote

First , sorry I didn’t acknowledge your achievement first. Nice hike! Second, I should have mentioned I’m a Prosthetist, so I’m pretty familiar with these systems. What I’m curious about is it also looks like you have a clutch lock, which usually isn’t compatible with elevated vacuum systems. Is that indeed a clutch lock (blue button at distal medial socket), and if so, which one? How is the vacuum being pulled to inside the locking liner? Thanks!


1198Corse OP t1_itm6cfc wrote

The leg I’m wearing now is a hodge podge thrown together for the trip. We are in the process of getting insurance approvals for the new foot etc, so some of it is just old components. The button moves but does nothing to my knowledge. If you would like to DM me I can send you the contact info of my prosthetist to ask. He’s super nice and helpful.