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satellite779 t1_iufadg3 wrote

Fun fact: Colonial creek falls (should be to the right of the peak in this photo), at 2,568 ft (783 m), is the tallest waterfall in the continent US and the 15th tallest in the world.

Another fun fact: the whole area around state route 20 and Ross Lake (including everything in this photo) are not a part of the National park but Ross Lake National Recreation Area (map). This is due to the hydroelectric project that is not compatible with NP requirements.


nellipalooza OP t1_iugb7nd wrote

TIL: SR20 and the lake are NOT technically part of the NP. Interesting! Thanks for the info


satellite779 t1_iugc1sk wrote

Yep! And many popular hikes don't even enter the park or just barely do, e.g. Maple/Heather pass, Easy pass etc. That's why North Cascades national park is the deadliest park in the US: not many visitors to the actual park (only 30k per year) and those that do enter the park are in real wilderness, not some 5 mile hikes off a state highway, so higher chance of something going wrong and no one to help.