Submitted by t3_ymiruy in Washington

Have only lived in the US for a few years, all that time in WA. It really sounds like the next WA senator will be republican. In the long term, could the state also turn republican?

For those with more years of experience of things, what changes when the political aspect of a state changes? Does it roughly stay the same or should I be worried?



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t1_iv43oi4 wrote

I’ve lived in states that flip-flopped between parties. It isn’t a big deal. It’s usually a wake up call to the party that loses power, and they improve for awhile and make a comeback.


t1_iv43mpx wrote

It only means that one of our senators will be an inexperienced sparrowfart destined to try and undo everything Sen. Murray has done during her tenure.


t1_iv46jfx wrote

States are neither Democrat or Republican. All states are made up of all different people, all held hostage by a broken two party system.

A US senator (ostensibly) represents the interests of the state in the senate, part of the federal government. They, with the rest of congress, make laws for the whole US not the state. So it matters for the US, but not for the state as much as the platform of a state official like the Governor.


t1_iv4dzrd wrote

The media really wants to make this into a close race, but it isn't. Phone polls skew heavily towards older and more conservative voters.

Murrays campaign believes this too, as they're barely bothering to campaign.


t1_iv4sxt4 wrote has Murray comfortably ahead of Smiley. They are historically very accurate.


t1_iv44fgf wrote

Vote Murray. It’ll mean we lose federal funding for things because Smiley will be terrible.


t1_iv6pxp6 wrote



OP t1_iv7og06 wrote

I came from the UK where we thought it was impossible for us to really leave the EU, and we did.

Moved to America in the same year where I thought Hillary would be president, and trump won.

I just don't take anything for granted anymore. Nothing is ever a certainty.

P.s. I votes for Murray this morning.


t1_iv75ogc wrote

There will be no change with either candidate. If Murray wins she will continue to do nothing of significance. If Smiley wins, she will be buried in low level committees with minimal effect.


t1_iv8g3j8 wrote

Wait a few days before you start panicking.


t1_iv6jzne wrote

Washington state is republican, if you look at a voting map, it's all red except king county.


t1_iv8n66p wrote

That is true based on the number of red and blue counties, but not based on population. Though most counties may be “red” the majority of the population tends to vote “blue”. King county has enough blue votes to often control close state wide races. So in general WA is currently a safe blue state for statewide races and the presidential election.

Of course, there are exceptions. And a non-Trump, moderate Republican with a proven track record has a shot if they can get through the primaries.

I miss the Evans and Spellman days of the Republican Party. But they would never get the nomination today.


t1_iv8mqln wrote

First of all that’s not even true

And second, land doesn’t vote. Most people live in the Seattle metro


t1_ivd4bkf wrote

You would have to be crazy to live in Seattle metro. Why would someone want to live where it takes hours to drive 20 miles, where people shit on the sidewalks. Last thing I want to do, is have to worrie about my kids stepping on some drug uses needle, laying in the street.


t1_iv9cx5r wrote

Wow do you actually think that hundreds of miles of barren unpopulated land in Eastern WA actually gets to vote like it's a person? Because a Massive majority of WA's population lives within the very left-wing counties of King, Snohomish, and Pierce, all of which are in Western WA, so you're absolutely full of shit!


t1_ivcytfr wrote

I love not being stuck in traffic, behind some clown that escaped his parents basement and can't tell what gender he is.


t1_iv6kh13 wrote

Insanity is voting the same way over and over and expecting different results. Look around and see how much crime and poverty is currently in our state. Then look at how rich our politicians have become.