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robotfood567 t1_iw1620f wrote

Nice, was just up there today as well. Definitely a day that the lake has proved it’s name.


averagebensimmons t1_iw16gly wrote

looks awesome. how did you get there? anything other than hiking boots?


TehKarmah t1_iw1779o wrote

Saw the snow heading east I90 this afternoon. This is a weird year.


lovesmtns t1_iw19mnh wrote

Was up there a few years ago (on a sunnier less snowy day :), and had to laugh, one of my buds had a half sandwich in his hand and was talking to us, when a camp robber swooped down and took his whole half sandwich. He was madder than a wet hen, and we were all laughing :).


TehKarmah t1_iw1k7j9 wrote

I didn't, but pre-fall was so frikken dry. I am a tried and true Washingtonian, so I say drench the PNW to refill the reservoirs. Grey skies don't bother me.


CobraPony67 t1_iw1kn3r wrote

That's no lake. Oh, that's snow lake.


communist_mini_pesto t1_iw1ptny wrote

This hike is extremely dangerous in the winter and crosses several avalanche paths.

People regularly die here.

Use extreme caution in the snow.


heartbeats t1_iw3jrtj wrote

A bit hyperbolic but they’re mostly right, Snow Lake does cross multiple avy chutes and people do get caught in them and die. It’s generally not a trail that’s used after serious snowfall.


5hiphappens t1_iw3vg0g wrote

If there's snow, it can slide.

Also, you can get to the Snow Lake Divide other ways than the summer trail.

ETA: I thought this was a backcountry sub-reddit. When I said other ways, I meant other routes than the summer trail. The usually backcountry route starts from the upper Alpental lot and heads along the west side of the creek to Source Lake. To get to the Divide, you switchback through the trees from there.


hexalm t1_iw3xmum wrote

I can smell this picture.


OldCrate OP t1_iw42dxl wrote

Thanks for the link. I've seen that. The last avalanche deaths at Snow Lake were in 2018. I was wondering if there were more reports that weren't covered here.


niktatum t1_iw42frr wrote

This is a beautiful photo :)


5hiphappens t1_iw4gwhz wrote

I don't think so. NWAC is pretty good at covering that.

It's actually really surprising how few deaths there have been with the surge of new people after the start of the pandemic.


dvxvxs t1_iw4v9fq wrote

I went skinny dipping there in July. Couldn’t do that right now! The water was still pretty cold then. Very nice hike too.


OldCrate OP t1_iw54ja3 wrote

You're not gonna believe this! When we were sitting there enjoying our lunch a group of high school kids came down and one of them stripped down to his underwear jumped in submerged himself jumped out and dried off and they all left!!!