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Darqologist t1_iwrg2sj wrote

Perhaps they didn't pay the alcohol tax correctly (or at all) to the state?


phanfare t1_iws162x wrote

Ah yes, the "we fucked up so we're blaming the state for taxes in the first place" strategy


carpathian_crow t1_iwsmszo wrote

“You see, officer, they said they weren’t selling it, but it was still displayed, so I figured it must be free.”

It makes about as much sense.


silicon1 t1_iwvn7bb wrote

Right out of the Narcissists playbook, it's a best seller right now!


KevinCarbonara t1_iws31mi wrote

Personally, my guess is that the store is owned by a Republican who is trying to make a statement


FecklessPinhead t1_iwt1aka wrote

Nope, we love the hooch. Not really a republican but not on the left either. Moot point we all love the hooch.


nwslouch t1_iwt1fqd wrote

Agreed. We're a state run by Democrats and will tax everything as much as possible damn it. Do enjoy that additional .46 cent a gallon gas tax come January. You're welcome.


KevinCarbonara t1_iwt2rmq wrote

I'll just have to soothe myself with the extra money I keep by having both a high paying job and no income tax in this state.


unicornlocostacos t1_iwt7sc1 wrote

And better public services than red hellscapes


Nanemae t1_iwwqmca wrote

Live in one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest districts in Washington. Can confirm, public services are a hellscape of little public transport and dodgy Internet from 20 years ago thanks to selling out to Comcast every chance we get.

Private utilities are probably the least dependable version of utilities in my experience.


unicornlocostacos t1_iwwqr9b wrote

Private anything sucks because the goal is money. You can’t achieve great things when you’re focused on the wrong outcome.


ashran3050 t1_iwtexqo wrote

Someone needs to go be poor in a red state for a year to truly enjoy what a democrat controlled government actually gives them.


starfyredragon t1_iwtqmn1 wrote

Preach it. My parents were military, so I moved all around the states as a kid, and a little bit after out on my own. Blue states are veritable paradises compared to the 3rd-world-country that is red-state USA.

I'm more than happy with that .46 extra a gallon with all the positive benefits living in the area has. And WA actually has some of the gentlist taxes I've seen. We don't even have income taxes in this state.


Hanse00 t1_iwtiase wrote

As much as possible?

Oh sweet summer child, none of our taxes are all that high in this state.


Girafferra t1_iwuytfe wrote

But they feel like they are and that’s all that matters. /s


sarahjustme t1_iwrqqbw wrote

Sounds like we have missed some good deals. Jk kidding kinda


JustNilt t1_iwtgevv wrote

More like they probably charged the taxes and didn't properly remit them to the state. As I recall that's an automatic suspension of the license to sell until the situation is fully investigated, fines are paid, and they give the go ahead to sell again.


Chuggles1 t1_iwur47y wrote

Nbd. They cant sell it so ill just walk out with it. Problem solved.