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drew1010101 t1_iwrl9bu wrote

Sounds like they got in trouble with the liquor control board.


OhCrapImBusted t1_iwt90r1 wrote


Sounds soooo much better than “We sold to a minor and got caught, so the state liquor control board shut down sales.”

Technically, it’s true since LCB defines the taxing structure of spirits as well.


Lechutes t1_iwtrnjo wrote

The Fred Meyer’s by my house got caught 5 times selling to minors, they had to completely remodel and section off the alcohol area and are required to scan driver license for each sale for 2 years.

This place got 1 or 2 warnings.


thekarmabum t1_iwtkmme wrote

They have to sell to a lot of minors before it goes past the fines stage and into the "revoke your liquor license" stage.


OhCrapImBusted t1_iwtrez8 wrote

First time is mandatory lose sale privileges for a while + fine AFAIK. Regardless, maybe this isn’t their first time?