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Data-Hungry t1_iwwy5dw wrote

They have to know


WyleKilliams OP t1_iwwzahj wrote

Honestly, all the locals have nicknames for it, and I am not sure they know. There was an old sign that hung there that had the same inscription, but it didn't have girth.

Home, Washington is really cool. It might've been the first white nudist colony in the state? Not sure about that, but if you research "The nudes vrs the Prudes" you will have an interesting evening. Also include The Agitator in your search.

Home has some interesting beginnings.


NachiseThrowaway t1_iwzexzz wrote

The way you phrase that implies there was a non-white nudist colony that predates it and that’s interesting.


WyleKilliams OP t1_iwzfg67 wrote

The area had tribal activity, well I only really know about Filucy bay, which is about 15 minutes from this store. According to what I read on a sign, it was a bay that many different tribes visited during summer for foraging. Anyway, that's the reason I worded it like that, not sure if the tribes had any sort of tribe composed of nudity. Sorry if I overexplained, lol, early in the morning.


NachiseThrowaway t1_iwzfuhb wrote

No thanks! Although in my mind, it would have been funnier if there was a group of black people who were like, “I know we’re dealing with equal rights, discrimination, and the typical economic worries of our time, but you know what’s really bugging me? These clothes, man!

It’s early for me too, my mind wanders to humorous oddness.


Global-Business5263 t1_ix2c2ui wrote

Do tell on the nicknames? My in-laws live a bit past Home so we often stop there on the way out. Good beer selection and my BIL endorses their Bulgogi Pizza :)


Extractedpen15bone t1_iwx17ca wrote

I once typed in, "home," in the gps on my wife's iPhone, after a camping trip, because that's what I do on my android to get home.

Needless to say, we did not end up at our apartment.


BrandonBFFL t1_iwy6vrq wrote

The exact same thing happened to me. Fortunately the difference was a 20 minute drive vs. 4 hour drive, so I didn't end up in Home, WA. lol


M4jorP4nye t1_iwzg8n6 wrote

Now I know where my phone keeps trying to take me.


westsound_bestsound t1_iwxkhzp wrote

So weird, literally just learned where Home was yesterday at work.


staticfired t1_iwyzan9 wrote

I’m blown away because I am obsessed with WA geography, yet I don’t know where Home is!


Aide_Gloomy t1_iwzz3bl wrote

I don't know if it's still in business but there used to be a burger place in Home adjacent from the Home Country Store that made really good hamburgers.


WyleKilliams OP t1_ix001nr wrote

It was Tiki burgers? Or something? Tropical beach themed, I loved that place! Unfortunately it went away years ago. The homeport closed 2-3 years ago and they're opening a 2 Margaritas in the same location. Good Mexican food, can't wait it to open, the homeport was a legendary place for my buddies and me.


Aide_Gloomy t1_ix02woa wrote

I loved that little burger stand. Is 2 Margaritas open? Every time I drove by it always looked closed. I agree about Homeport. I used to go there with my parents and Grandpa for breakfast.

I thought the Lakebay Marina was supposed to open a restaurant? I was looking forward to that but it's been radio silence.


hillhippieva t1_iwy814r wrote

I had to check if this was in r/mildlypenis


nubelborsky t1_iwzrhsw wrote

Just a couple of guys nothing sexual.


jbrooklynd t1_iwzkrej wrote

Best sign ever? Are you 12. Immature.


WyleKilliams OP t1_iwzlmrl wrote

You must be fun at parties! But to be fair, I was pretty buzzed last night. Probably could've worded the title better. Enjoy your day!


Incendia_Magia t1_ix0cb83 wrote

You put Home on the Reddit map.. thanks buddy :) I love close by so this was cool too see.