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Nahcotta t1_ix6ug43 wrote

Yeah, I went outside about 2 pm to dump out the bird bath & flip it over for winter, and this big chunk of ice fell out, lol! My poor solar-powered pump was frozen in it, so now it’s in the dish drainer slowly melting…


ElTardoDente t1_ix6zxfs wrote

One of the quincy lakes I’m guessing. There’s a couple out there and if I had to guess I’d say they were talking about Burke lake. It’s not the only lake that freezes out there but it’s one of the better ones


ElTardoDente t1_ix9f50i wrote

Fishing and hiking. There is a picture on my profile of a rattlesnake and that’s right off of Burke lake. It’s also stocked full of some nice sized trout. Most people stay off it as well because there are no largemouths in Burke and that’s what a lot of people fish for around here