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jthanson t1_iy7acey wrote

Any idea where that pic was taken?


Netopalas t1_iy7gwzp wrote

This looks a hell of a lot like the hills around Newman Lake. That would be the WA/ID Stateline at hwy 290. Trent avenue if you're a local. I think the road had a different path back then but the hills sure look right. Complete with Ponderosas and a fresh pile of Rathdrum Prarie dirt.


jthanson t1_iy7hnii wrote

That’s what I thought, too. It definitely looks like the border east of Spokane, but I’m not old enough to have been there pre-I-90.


OldeHickory t1_iyaept7 wrote

My guess would have been Highway 2 but you then gave a lot of specific details that make me inclined to believe you.