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reversebananimals t1_iz8e0xy wrote

This is from a drone flying above the top of Queen Anne. The lit street running diagonal in the bottom of the frame is "The Counterbalance" aka Queen Anne Ave N. I know its a drone because no building in this neighborhood is this tall.

The tiny green stoplight across the intersection from the gray 6 story apartment building in the bottom right 1/3 corner of the pic is at the intersection of Queen Anne Ave N. and W. Highland Drive. Here's the view from street level on Google Street View:,-122.3567512,3a,75y,145.39h,91.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sczUd_ZJtqQgJRTGn_Ene0w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

Source - lived in Queen Anne for 5 years.