blonde800 t1_izgbko8 wrote
Aggred! Who's to say which 13, but I would guess 1913 since we weren't a state until 1889* per Wikipedia
Edit: could not be a WA state reference either since good old George is on there
pala4833 t1_izgbri2 wrote
It's the only '13 that makes any sense.
Nixx_Mazda OP t1_izgbsgc wrote
Yeah, definitely looks like it...but does that mean it was made in 1913?
pala4833 t1_izgbx8m wrote
Seems like it.
Nixx_Mazda OP t1_izgddrs wrote
Can't seem to find a match online. Google Lens search, etc.
nbwajdr t1_izgi27h wrote
Right above the 13, it appears to be engraved with 5/28. That could be part of the date 5/28/13. It probably isn't the date of manufacture, it is most likely given as a gift to someone. I've seen wedding dates, christening dates, & birthdates all engraved on spoons before.
Are you able to ask the previous owner if the date 5/28/13 is meaningful in some way?
fenstermccabe t1_izgqf1a wrote
Well since the middle one is Chewbacca I guessed it could be Peter Mayhew's birthday, but he was born in May 1944. Same with George Lucas.
None of the films were released on the 28th, and nothing was released in 2013, if it's a 13 rather than a 43. But that is after Abrams was announced as director but before they started shooting The Force Awakens, so it could represent the day they signed Peter to come back.
Edit: wait, you're telling me that ISN'T Chewbacca!?
candaceelise t1_izh22mi wrote
My grandma has those exact same spoons. I wonder how collecting mini spoons became a thing.
Nixx_Mazda OP t1_izgaqoc wrote