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L1ghtfoote t1_j0f5682 wrote

Just throwing out some places, not necessarily on your route: Leavenworth, Grand Coulee Dam, Dry Falls, Republic Fossil Beds, Skykomish River near Index WA. If you drive across Highway 20, you will see some of the wilder places of WA. If you drive across Highway 2, you will see some of the empty and beautiful places of WA. If you have the time, i recommend either Hwy 20 or 2 over I90.


ered_lithui t1_j0f6diy wrote

Depending on time of year OP is traveling, the SR 20 route could be inaccessible.


IPyromancer OP t1_j0fy8od wrote

I was planning going there around January, is that a rough time?


BiomedSquatch t1_j0gpprl wrote

You could cut off highway 20 onto highway 530. It's a beautiful drive following a river most of the way. You'll see scenic farmland and be in a forest with trees over you like you're in a natural tunnel made of trees. Just be aware most do 5-10 mph over the speed limit but drive at a comfortable speed for yourself and let people go by when you can. Be careful in Spokane if you're not white or have some liberal or pride stickers on your car. Lotta racists and homophobes there.


Pepita09 t1_j0fix7x wrote

I'd recommend taking 20 if they're going at time of year when it's open!


IPyromancer OP t1_j0gjt2s wrote

Are there any places along Highway 20 that you recommend? The ones you mentioned are around I90 and Highway 2. I’m planning on going through highway 2 going to Spokane and then Highway 20 on the return trip; thanks to your suggestions! :)


Jaded-Environment-95 t1_j0gp4hb wrote

Well worth your time to take a little jaunt up to Chelan if taking Hwy 2. Probably only 15 miles from 97/2 junction. Beautiful lake, very scenic, nice little city. Definitely has the wow factor!


L1ghtfoote t1_j0h2ip2 wrote

Hwy 20 goes past Diablo and Ross lakes and Washington pass. Winthrop is a nice little town. Republic has Fossil Beds right on the Hwy (check in at the museum and you can hunt fossils). Lots of wild country the rest of the way.