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andthedevilissix t1_j1jhoaz wrote

Trump's administration was a good lesson in how the devolution of power can provide a powerful check to dumb shit. Put another way - the less centralized power we have, at the state level and the federal level, and the more local governments are empowered to act the more responsive democracy becomes and the less vulnerable to people like Trump the system is.

Reducing the power that the executive branch has, whether at the state or federal level, is beneficial to everyone regardless of politics.


banjokazooie23 t1_j1jrqnk wrote

I mean I definitely agree that our current system doesn't work. Republicans have a disproportionate amount of power in comparison to their percentage of the country's population. It gives us a government that is wildly more conservative than the populace as we've shifted toward more extreme candidates rather than mostly moderates across the board. Ultimately, most people are moderates and our country is more stable with moderates at the helm.