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OP t1_j1k3gqq wrote

Portland drivers are definitely different, but in some ways act similarly. With them, it's more like a "social justice warrior" thing where they don't think you should speed, so they'll do everything in their power to prevent you from speeding. Less brake checking, and more speed matching other cars to keep you from getting around them.

In my opinion, Seattle drivers are much better than Portland drivers. Seattle drivers are more conscious of driving etiquette and at least act like they have somewhere to be.


t1_j1kay43 wrote

Okay no offense but the fact that it’s happening to you in Portland too does seem like your speeding and driving is suspect! You shouldn’t be having this many incidents!


OP t1_j1kff0m wrote

Nah, I don't really speed a lot going through the city, maybe keep it to 5-7mph over max depending on driving conditions. But this sentiment is common in the Portland subreddit.


t1_j1kb1mw wrote

Exactly this, I’m usually a “slower driver” in Seattle (AKA I go the speed limit or a little faster) but when I lived in Portland, I felt like a speed demon since everyone drives 5 under the limit lol.


OP t1_j1kvzso wrote

That's how I feel in Portland! 5 over and you're speeding. Seattle really is much better about keeping pace