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Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j344gqd wrote

Nope, not at all. But there is no fucking way this wasn’t caused by his supporters.

Edit: just checked your profile. Of course….


TBizzle123 t1_j34u7nv wrote

Of course what? Making more assumptions?


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j353yzr wrote

Of course you’re the responding the way you are. Too predictable mr. Guns


TBizzle123 t1_j3564i3 wrote

So you are happy to pass judgement on someone knowing 1 thing about them? What would you say to me if I made similar assumptions about you? Seems pretty narrow minded but at least you are consistent.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35a8tq wrote

Abso-fucking-lutely . And it’s not because you own guns…I do too…but it’s because of what you say. Very typical rightwing .


TBizzle123 t1_j35bkms wrote

Well, I'm not and I didn't vote for trump, so you're an idiot and an asshole. Congrats, you're just as bad as those scary trumpers you hate so much.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35dj8p wrote

I don’t believe you. Go away

I bet you voted Culp


TBizzle123 t1_j35dtg5 wrote

Shucks, I really thought I was going to change your mind there. You definitely seem like someone who is open to and willing to accept different opinions.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35fkgm wrote

I am more than willing to discuss issues with people I differ with if their position is rooted in truth and reality. I will not entertain extended discussions with people holding absurd positions based on what they “heard somewhere “

Edit: you did vote for Culp, didn’t you?


TBizzle123 t1_j35fu6e wrote

You are literally the only person here who has assumed any information lolllll. You assumed I'm republican because of a couple of gun related posts and you assumed these guys were MAGA Trumpers because they were white. Bro, you have got to take a look in the mirror on this one. Go back and read the article haha.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35harz wrote

Ummm…I didn’t even know they were white. MAGA is not a whites only thing. Maybe you haven’t noticed. I guessed they were MAGA based but n their actions…it’s pretty well known that they pulled this same shit in the Carolinas.

Did you vote Culp or not?? And the only reason I ask is that he was such an absurdly horrible candidate that only the most out of touch with reality constituents would vote for him


TBizzle123 t1_j35i91r wrote

You didn't know they were white even though their pictures are plastered all over the articles? Remember earlier when you said you didn't believe me? lollll, stop trying to change the subject. I voted for Homer Simpson, do you believe that?