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elmatador12 t1_j5cqdu3 wrote

I read the article and didn’t see this answered. (I could have missed it.)

Would this include all employees at a church or only specific clergy? I only ask because I know there are ministry leaders at churches that hear a lot of things but they aren’t technically “clergy”.

Also, this would not include confessions which I know they are doing so it’s easier to pass. I hope they close that loophole soon.

The churches argument is that it would eliminate trust in the church which I find pretty ironic since the church is the one being accused of abusing kids.


Hondaccord t1_j5dezm7 wrote

Anybody who is a “spiritual leader” counts under this bill so ministry leaders would count. It was amended in Committee to require clergy to report abuse even if the information came from confession.


elmatador12 t1_j5dg3uo wrote

Oh nice. That’s great on both counts. Thank you.