Submitted by Davethephotoguy t3_10i8aye in Washington
TVDinner360 t1_j5d0ez0 wrote
Oh man, this is so cool!
Stuckinaelevator t1_j5d551z wrote
I have basically the same picture hanging in my living room.
MissyVonMonroe t1_j5d6mpj wrote
Amazing shot!
[deleted] t1_j5d7b9m wrote
[deleted] t1_j5da6w9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5dap3z wrote
bronxnygirl2002 t1_j5dbyrb wrote
That is absolutely beautiful!!
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j5dcha9 wrote
I remember that lighthouse, iirc it's a popular spot for wedding photos. don't quote me on that though
BareLeggedCook t1_j5dfyv2 wrote
Ok-Anybody1870 t1_j5dgqx0 wrote
👋🏼 🌊
mooomba t1_j5dgt23 wrote
"I remember that lighthouse, iirc it's a popular spot for wedding photos. don't quote me on that though" - Fickle_Revolution383
tikinaught t1_j5div8f wrote
How was it
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5dj2x1 wrote
Cold, wet, windy and very, very crowded. There were photographers standing shoulder to shoulder and I had to squeeze in to get some shots. Wish we had some sunshine to better illuminate the water, but I was pretty happy with the images I captured today.
[deleted] t1_j5dj579 wrote
HailMaryPoppins t1_j5dji4e wrote
We were there today, too! The wind was so freaking cold though.
[deleted] t1_j5dkbeb wrote
jamesbong0024 t1_j5dky4u wrote
So pitted
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5dlafs wrote
jamesbong0024 t1_j5dlt1n wrote
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5dmex0 wrote
Haha, okay, that was great.
ignore_this_comment t1_j5dmua6 wrote
You could say that the lack of sunshine left you....disappointed.
[deleted] t1_j5dmuam wrote
fatcockjesus t1_j5dpgyl wrote
""I remember that lighthouse, iirc it's a popular spot for wedding photos. don't quote me on that though" -Fickle_Revolution383" -mooomba
how do you like it???
[deleted] t1_j5ds8vk wrote
[deleted] t1_j5dtf19 wrote
mycatisanorange t1_j5dtfqs wrote
Beautiful photo!
mycatisanorange t1_j5dthl0 wrote
Wow! When I went in may, hardly a soul there - years back.
Fretboardsurfer t1_j5dwvkl wrote
I love this lighthouse. It looks like something out of a Fallout game.
aeo1us t1_j5dxcoa wrote
I proposed to my wife there just in case she said no.
[deleted] t1_j5dyoet wrote
nightmareinsouffle t1_j5e1vkk wrote
I was at Fort Worden today. That wind was brutal!
[deleted] t1_j5e57io wrote
warbeforepeace t1_j5e9kdr wrote
Exposure and gear details?
[deleted] t1_j5eb7jy wrote
kelaar t1_j5elw1u wrote
It NEVER lives up to its name.
oliviajolowery t1_j5f1xxl wrote
my husband was stationed there and stood watch in the front building!
Icy_One_5321 t1_j5f63z4 wrote
I loved visiting this place. Felt like standing on the edge of lingering danger.
YogiBerraOfBadNews t1_j5fahsb wrote
That doesn’t look disappointing at all! Personally I’d feel a little short changed if I went to a place called Cape Disappointment and didn’t leave feeling a little bit underwhelmed.
OppositionGuerilla t1_j5ffucv wrote
I always wondered why is it called cape disappointment?
[deleted] t1_j5fg4cv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5fmdx4 wrote
pala4833 t1_j5fmo4f wrote
How come this image just showed up in my facebook feed as an advertisement?
TacitMoose t1_j5fzur0 wrote
I’ve been like six times. Every time the surface of the water is like glass lol. Someday I’ll get lucky.
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5g83jm wrote
Whoa! That’s pretty weird. What was the ad for?
alisimmonds1864 t1_j5galrv wrote
Epic shot!
pala4833 t1_j5gbq2s wrote
I can't remember, but I saw this earlier this morning and I looked at it quite a bit because I enjoyed the image. Then later on facebook, it was in one of those "sponsored" boxes. Maybe for National Parks, or Visit Olympic Peninsula .org or something.
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5gfzm2 wrote
Canon R6 w/ Canon 100-400mm F4L lens. F/8, 1/200th sec, ISO 100.
DarkFlame7 t1_j5h0854 wrote
> very, very crowded
Wow really? That's actually shocking to me. I've only been there in the summer and I assumed it would be deserted in the cold months. Good to know
DarkFlame7 t1_j5h0c9f wrote
Hey she would've just been living up to the name.
warbeforepeace t1_j5h18lm wrote
Nice how do you like that lens. I have a R6 mkii with the 24-105 f4 L lens and looking for a telephoto.
[deleted] t1_j5h4561 wrote
Frosty_Display_1274 t1_j5h4wvs wrote
Sweet shot 👏
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5h4xnv wrote
I really, really like it. I often use it with the 2x extender for bird photography. However, it gets really heavy really quickly so a monopod or tripod is often needed with that setup.
Stormborn1981 t1_j5h847z wrote
I came here to use that pun.
back9iron t1_j5hrjya wrote
I was debating on where to hike today. I woke up and saw your post, got in my truck, and drove a couple hours to Disappointment State Park. Thank you for the inspiration!
back9iron t1_j5hs5w4 wrote
An expedition back in the day, like 1700s, was hoping to find the Columbia River entrance and didn’t. He was disappointed… and the name stuck. Lol
bunkerbash t1_j5ihq14 wrote
Awesome photo!! Wow!
NWRaine1 t1_j5ikv75 wrote
Beautiful shot! Wow! What a great place to shoot! I've not been there before or I would have a million questions! What did you like best?
NWRaine1 t1_j5ikyd7 wrote
Yep still is a great shot!
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5ipsy0 wrote
It was my first time there since I was a a kid camping there with my parents. I was only there for a couple hours photographing the waves at high tide. However, I do intend to return at some point to actually camp there and enjoy the park.
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5iptph wrote
Thank you!
Davethephotoguy OP t1_j5ipual wrote
I hope you enjoyed the park!
iamlucky13 t1_j5n6tv9 wrote
I'm pretty sure it is a popular place to wave watch.
I remember my aunt taking me there on a very cold day decades ago.
Icy-Book2999 t1_j5cx2ew wrote
Beautiful timing!