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thaddeh t1_j5i1a5p wrote

Pfft, that's a nice day. Trying having it be dumping snow and you have to chain up at milepost 34 and keep the chains on until milepost 71. In a semi truck. That's wintery.


WashingtonPass OP t1_j5kfmax wrote

You're describing a winter storm. I'm just appreciating winter.


PizzaAndTacosAndBeer t1_j5lfjlf wrote

Always a jack knifed semi at Snoqualmie Pass. What do you guys have against driving well?


PartDirect t1_j5m1bzt wrote

Avoiding bad drivers in small cars and having to react by slamming on the brakes after getting cut off


PizzaAndTacosAndBeer t1_j5moo7q wrote

Lol fair enough, there's always somebody who thinks having a Subaru means you should be going 80 mph when it's icy.