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julyninetyone t1_j5w6z86 wrote

I did a weekend trip in seattle last summer. Want to visit portland this time.


peggysue_82 t1_j5yg2d2 wrote

Bring your mace, Portland has gotten really dangerous.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j62c70y wrote

I agree. Last time we took the Amtrak down, Courthouse square had become like East Hastings in Vancouver BC like something out of Robocop. Nutjobs howling at the moon and tweekers fucking with you at the food truck courts. 0/10. But I don’t think you can get through Customs with mace. Just buy some when you get into Portland at a sporting goods store, and shitcan it before you try to cross back.


pala4833 t1_j64colt wrote

Mace and pepper spray are illegal in Canada.