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masshole4life OP t1_j8lfd6w wrote

they also tend to have other laws that are enforced that pave the way for things like wheelie bins to work.

one of the biggest examples is parking enforcement. worcester does not ticket for parking on the sidewalk, obstructing the sidewalk, obstructing anything, really, in it's residential neighborhoods.

I'm not talking about downtown or in spread out places. drive around any triple decker neighborhood. you'll see cars parked on the sidewalk all the way down the road. you'll see ass ends of cars sticking out of driveways blocking sidewalks.

how exactly do you think places like Cambridge and boston are able to have their trucks have access to the bins? it's because they ticket the hell out of people for parking the way we park on worcester 24/7 with no repercussions.

a lot of things would have to be enforced and regulated to make it work, and not to spoil the end for you, but worcester isn't going to do it.

worcester isn't going to do anything but rush out ideas that "work elsewhere" without laying any of the groundwork that "elsewhere" did.

I'll be back in these comments with my "told you sos" just like with these stupid ass lidded bins. it's just a matter of when.


mellymellcaramel t1_j8mt42k wrote

You say this like I wasn’t aware and haven’t lived in the city my whole life. Wether or not worcester will do it, is not the topic. I’m saying that all of the above, ticketing cars etc etc is what should be done along with rolling bins. There is no other way. And I’m saying it’s an attainable goal.

Will they do it? Probably not for another 10 years. Not sure why you have this “told you so” attitude. Most people here are talking about solutions, and nothing will be done unless we get loud about it.


masshole4life OP t1_j8nc8gp wrote

attainable goal? that's the "head up the ass" that I'm referring to.

if you believe that worcester is going to suddenly and whimsically just "start functioning" then you have offered no suggestion at all.

you think worcester residents are going to bang down doors at city hall to demand...more traffic tickets. you live in a fantasy.


mellymellcaramel t1_j8nkiyc wrote

Worcester is different today than it was 10-20-30 years ago. And things will change in another 10-20-30 years also. I didn’t say it’s SUDDENLY going to start changing, I’ve seen the city take forever.

You’re the one with your head up your ass if you think everywhere stays the same for all time.

Also, the biggest plague on worcester is residents like you, people who shit on the city every chance they get they don’t do anything to change it, or even want to see it change. The worst thing about worcester are the morbid and gloomy attitudes from the residents.


SmartSherbet t1_j8no4au wrote

And the gloominess is often combined with entitlement."Wah wah wah I get to park on the sidewalk because I want to and have always done it and it would be toooooo annoooooying to have to find a parking spot that's actually legal."

No. The sidewalk is ours to walk on, not yours to park on. That's how it works and the fact that Worcester has let you do stupid crap like this for years doesn't mean they were right or that we will let the city let you do it forever.

We are coming for our sidewalks. We are coming for safe streets, and yes, we are coming to make the city give you traffic tickets when you put our lives in danger with your reckless driving and entitled parking.


masshole4life OP t1_j8ohux9 wrote

it's so cool how you know all about me because i point out that hopes and dreams don't create change. it's not like i have a 10 year posting history in this sub detailing my many battles with city hall and the city council or anything...

let's make a deal. I'll continue to point out stupid unworkable ideas and you can continue to propose fantasies that are tailored for other cities. will that work for you?