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draken2019 t1_ja8k6j5 wrote


I'd probably buy warm, but cheap clothing. Worcester is getting better every day, but there's still a decent chance you might get mugged.

While it's not impossible to live in Worcester without a car, you'll probably want one. Not having one will severely limit your options for employment. If you're just coming here for school then it's much more manageable.

You can see the public transit routes on Google Maps, by the way. If you pick a route, they're all mapped out with fairly accurate travel times.

Worcester is all bus lines with a train that goes from worcester <---> Boston.


[deleted] t1_ja9iitq wrote

I’ve lived here for 15 years mostly in less than desirable neighborhoods and never had any issues. Just stay in well lit areas and/or avoid walking alone late at night. I’d say your chances of being mugged on the street are considerably low compared to most major cities. If anything you’re more likely to be a victim of a smash & grab in your car while it’s parked overnight. Just don’t leave any valuables and make sure you’ve got glass coverage on your insurance, easy peasy.


draken2019 t1_jaa65ts wrote

I suspect you're a much bigger person than I am lol I was also more concerned about him since he's not American and that would likely make him a target (because thiefs prefer non-residents).

I've been targeted by gang members in Worcester trying to complete their initiation (AKA committing a felony).

I don't see as many gang members in Worcester as there used to be, but they're still here. The Worcester police still write reports about the Kilby gang from time to time. One of their co-founders became a mentor in the community back in 2016 (I think) so they're a lot smaller than they were.

There were a few gang related shootings back in 2020.