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cmajka8 t1_jacxt3b wrote

Am i understanding this correctly…are you basing your new location on the cost of a cheap pint of bud light?!


latinomartino t1_jad0yq4 wrote

Have you heard of the McDonalds Index? How much McD’s costs in a country compared to other countries tells you about the wealth of the country. This is a real tool economists use.

Asking about beer prices isn’t the craziest thing. If Boston bars sell Bud light for $5 but you can get it in Worcester for $3 that tells you something about the Worcester economy.

OP, you don’t like fancy beer, so you probably will hate it, but treehouse brewing has amazing beer. Fantastic IPA’s but also great other beers. Would look at it


cmajka8 t1_jad162s wrote

I have heard of it but if you’re comparing the 3 cities based on the cost of a bud light, there won’t much difference. That’s why i was curious about other criteria


latinomartino t1_jad1htz wrote

That’s not true. But sure ok.


cmajka8 t1_jad1su7 wrote

Really? We’re talking about bud light here. The most it would differ is by a dollar or so. These are comparable cities, no?


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaczn0f wrote

Somewhat? I’m not into craft beer myself. I like Bud/Bud Light - basically a light lager. Trying to see what the prices are like (I’m coming from paying over €5 for a pint of Bud - about $5.50) and more interested in places that have regular draft beer than specialising in Craft beer. And trying to get a feel for what to expect price-wise while finding places good for us middle-aged kids.


cmajka8 t1_jaczvxn wrote

Well, I think a pint of bud light will be the same anywhere out of those 3 cities. Also, you can get a 30 rack of those for your house fairly cheap. Do you have any other criteria??


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad12q0 wrote

For pubs, we love live music! And also should be welcoming/comfortable to people in their early 50s. A ‘Local’ where you can get to be known by (and ultimately become) a regular. Good craic.