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AhBuckleThis t1_jb0fs11 wrote

I moved to MA in 2005 and was summoned 6 times in the first 8 years I lived in the state. I had to report 3 times. Once in Worcester and twice in Fitchburg. One time I had to wait 4 hours as the one case scheduled eventually settled outside of court. The next one was in Worcester. After a few hours, we were brought in and they selected the jury. I was not selected so I was free to go. The last time I was selected, the one case scheduled went to court and I was selected to the jury. The judge picked me as jury foreman.

Basic case of a guy arguing with his girlfriend and the neighbor called the cops. Police had maintenance unlock the door to their apartment and barged right in. The defendant went to check on the noise and greeted with a officer slamming him into a wall as he rounded the hallway corner. As the officer pushes him into the wall, he also wrestles him to the ground. In the process the defendant puts his hands on the officer. They stated he assaulted the officer and resisted arrest and they threw him down on the ground.

3 officers testified, 3 slightly different versions. The guys gf testified that he wasn’t hurting her, they were just arguing. The defendants lawyer’s questions were clearly aggravating the arresting officer, proving he was a hot head. I think we took 5 mins to conclude he was not guilty. It was definitely a good experience, but the waiting around stinks. Bring a book along with lunch.

FYI you can serve both federal and state in the same year because I had too.