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whodat129 t1_jcb2z0f wrote

It’s the 2nd largest city in New England behind Boston. You might not be looking hard enough. Go to FB and see events, groups etc in Worcester.


notlauren333333 OP t1_jcb3asz wrote

For teenagers tho . All I’ve been able to find is trails and places to walk your dog and museums


Brighteyed77 t1_jcb85cb wrote

What things for teens are in your area that you can’t find in Worcester?


A_Man_Who_Writes t1_jcbcxnb wrote

It’s a city. It has city things. Restaurants, parks, venues. Lots of people of all ages and backgrounds.


wormtowny t1_jce5fxs wrote

Most if not all of these either have lots of teens hanging around or a bunch of teen programs/classes or both:

Brand new outdoor skatepark

Brand new indoor skatepark

Climbing gym

Art museum

Gaming/comics shop

Music venue with lots of all ages metal, rock and hardcore shows

Pretty cool district with a public food market and a new baseball stadium

There a couple pretty big “gyms” under the name of YMCA that are really more like recreation centres with basketball, pools, Rick climbing, tennis and regular work out equipment, all of which usually have a lot of teens hanging out in one form or another

Having grown up in Worcester I can say that as a teenager I REALLY enjoyed hanging out at the 8+ (?!) colleges and universities to check out the concerts, shows, various programs, films and generally hanging out with college kids.

Then, if you want to really dig in and depending on your interests there are some really cool places with teen friendly programs like Technocopia makerspace, Worcester Earn a Bike, 508 Bike Life

The Boston Globe recently had an article on how quickly Worcester is growing and adding new things to do and see


New_Serve6270 t1_jcb73nx wrote

Worcester is boston s poor, ugly cousin.


whodat129 t1_jcbr8gn wrote

Having bought a condo here after living with 5 other guys in an old house in Somerville, with no smoke detectors and 1300/per person rent, I will gladly put on the beer goggles for Worcester 😂. I am older, mid-30s, so the Boston life didn’t appeal to me much anymore. Just my opinion