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t1_jd8ahdu wrote


t1_jd8szcy wrote

We finally kicked ours out after he punched a hole in the wall, broke a mirror and tracked blood through the entire building.

But yeah. Just a nightmare all around. I've never had an issue with roommates in the past 10 years of college and my 3 apparents but this one dude has pushed me in to a state of mind where I'm going to pay more to live alone for the rest of my life.


t1_jd8u68p wrote



t1_jd8w1yw wrote

I sent him some links to air bnb monthly rentals in the area that come out to like 1k but he didn't take that up and said it was to hard to find another place.

So in the end I just ended up moving out, waving my security deposit and letting him know he could take the whole lease. After he trashed the place I let the landlord know and now he's also leaving but, I don't even feel safe staying at this point. Guy holds grudges and I don't want any part of him .