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Curiositydelay1sec t1_iscvsgo wrote

There’s a serious problem with drivers in this city. The aggression, speed, total disregard for courtesy. I’ve never seen so many accidents and almost accidents anywhere else.


Enragedocelot t1_iserb1c wrote

Yo seriously. I swear people are driving more and more like absolute nuts lately. The NPCs are off their rocker!


albalfa t1_iskzygb wrote

> The NPCs are off their rocker!

This cracked me up! What a great description!!


[deleted] t1_isix0wt wrote

Gold Star fucking Boulevard...

There's like 4 or 5 Honey Dews in town, and I knew before even reading that this was Gold Star.

Not once in my decades of driving have I been on that road and not seen people going over 50, swerving lanes, failing to signal, running lights, and on and on.

Not to mention all the psychotic drivers who come flying out of the surrounding lots. Have you seen the horrible drivers from Harr always jumping out of their lots without waiting? That place needs to be shut down and the owners sued for not getting their people to chill tf out and endangering us all.

I'd rather deal with Kelley Square, there I said it.