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ThrillDr1 t1_isu063p wrote

The firefighters were looking for people still in a burning building.

Entered apt and viewed what they did.

After fire was under control they called to report what was viewed.

Police arrest for suspicion of drug making equipment.

Search warrant finds 20 pounds of drugs.

Sounds legit.


outb0undflight t1_isu3cz0 wrote

Yeah, I'm all for calling out police for overreaching their authority but this doesn't seem like this is a case of that. WFD discovered a crime in the process of fighting a fire, appropriately responded to the fire, and then reported the crime afterward. Hard to make WPD the bad guys in this situation.


LucasRaymondGOAT t1_isuazlf wrote

Yeah, exactly how I feel about it.

Plus the dude's fucking around with fentanyl, why would you wanna defend that?


alpacabowlkehd t1_isujrd7 wrote

Yup fuck this guy in particular fet dealers deserve the worst


Slappybags22 t1_isu5xus wrote

Especially when it comes to fucking fentanyl. Fuck that guy.