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DMoney1133 t1_iwlrv1s wrote

I just had my own replaced a month ago and it was $4200 for a double wall Roth tank. All permits, taxes, and disposal etc included.

They told me it would be $3900 for a direct replacement, single wall steel tank. For an additional 300 it was a no brainer to get the better one with a longer warranty. It also takes up less floor space because it's more of a vertical rectangle than the old style.

I used CKSmith and they chose to sub it out because either they didn't have a crew that could do it soon enough, or that's just how they do it.

The old tank was leaking so I needed it done quickly.


CoolAbdul OP t1_iwls73f wrote

Did you finance it with them?


DMoney1133 t1_iwlsq8f wrote

No, I paid on credit card for the points and then paid the card from my checking and used some of my home equity line to avoid the credit card interest rates.