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t1_iwo73xb wrote

They brought back the busses and it’s going pretty well, let’s bring back the plows too!


t1_iwrg9sv wrote

The Worcester I grew up in, 50s-60s was a prosperous industrial city. When I was in third grade our geography textbook (they taught geography back then) had a picture of Worcester. The caption said Worcester Massachusetts the industrial capital of the world. At the time there was more industry here per square mile than any other place on the planet. As a kid I thought that was a pretty big deal, it was. There were many thousands of jobs and so a very high tax base. There were many factories that employed 300+ employees, some much larger. I worked in one that would take twenty minutes to walk from one end to the other. with that kind of revenue the city employed hundreds of people and stuff got done. When industry left, Worcester all but died. From what I read here on reddit it's on the mend. I don't live there now but still would love to see Worcester prosper again.