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Ovaltene17 t1_ixs9k0c wrote

No advice, but nursing students tend to be a pretty tight group, based around lots and lots of hard work and group study. I'm sure through that you will find carpool friends and people you can take ubers with!


babypink1234 OP t1_ixscpis wrote

yes agree! thats why im trying it out being carless for the first few months.


mtbmike t1_ixsg6ls wrote

Have you locked down a place. You could get something close over bear green street there’s some cool places there


babypink1234 OP t1_ixsguhw wrote

yes im living on campus!


mtbmike t1_ixsh8vq wrote

Oh I’m not sure if that means super close but if it dies you are gonna be good. Highland street is right college kids everywhere check out the boynton and the sole proprietor gear bars


mtbmike t1_ixsou77 wrote

Sorry my stupid phone does that. Dies=does and right =close and gear=great. Sorry. Youll be fine


babypink1234 OP t1_ixtucm1 wrote

thanks for the advice! ill try not to stick my face too much to books and make new friends!