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SmartSherbet t1_j19vb1l wrote

Or maybe Amazon could just pay its drivers a reasonable wage and not try to trick customers into doing it for them.

Before anyone jumps on me: drivers absolutely deserve gratitude and more money. But it should come from their bosses, not customers. Tipping culture makes it easy for extremely wealthy, profitable employers to shift the costs of labor onto customers who are already stretched thin. As a society, it would be better if we tipped less and paid higher wages instead.

EDIT: I read the article too quickly. Amazon, not the customer, pays the $5. Good for them. Tipping culture is still bad, though.


caniremainanonymous OP t1_j19w6o1 wrote


That being said, I am also all for drivers getting a little extra right now and if this is the way I am for it. This situation does not meet the express definition of tipping culture as this money IS coming from their company and not the individual clients directly (I mean for real anyone who uses Amazon has contributed to this so there is that).

So while I agree that tipping culture sucks (pay people fair wages) I can also say I am ok with this (sure I can say 4 words and get some person an extra 5$).


SmartSherbet t1_j19wpym wrote

Yeah, I read the article too quickly and thought the $5 was added on to the customer's tab for the order. Glad to see that Amazon is providing the money.


caniremainanonymous OP t1_j19x0xu wrote

Totally fair - I would have had a similar reaction to the one you expressed if that was the case so I get that!