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t1_j1a3a5j wrote

So, um, how does that help all the minorities they didn't hire?


t1_j1a3n4j wrote

Politician Answer: We can use that money to invest in our communities!

Real Answer: It doesn't!


t1_j1ajalb wrote

It'll help Worcester cover its own legal fees from its string of court losses!


t1_j1auoaj wrote

>Under the settlement agreement, Gilbane/Hunt will pay the state $1.9 million, with the attorney general’s office returning $500,000 of that to the City of Worcester to promote more diverse participation in government contracting.

FWIW, anyway.


t1_j1bqvex wrote

“Promote”. That means a “study” with outside consultants.


t1_j1crhto wrote

The company I work for was one of the few that met the minority guildlines it was kinda sad tbh


t1_j1b6qn2 wrote

Does this mean I'll finally get paid for the "Los Wepas de Worcester" name I came up with for them??


t1_j1beuol wrote

That was you? Coincidentally I just saw a Los Wepas de Worcester shirt at goodwill today and looked it up on the spot.


t1_j1c7ax1 wrote

Yes, unfortunately. It's a shameful thing I explain to my relatives when they visit the city. Pure exploitation.. but hey, it's the Red Sox Organization, what'd I expect right?


t1_j1gipmq wrote

Damn, sorry! I was hoping it had something to do with cumbia wepa 😅


t1_j1c7dy4 wrote

No funny shit I donated most of my wepas gear so strong chance the tee also came from me.. lmao


t1_j1dwfre wrote

So was the company supposed to go to their subcontractors and tell them to fire their white male owned partners and hire minority owned? That seems a bit racist to me but what do I know, i don’t think contracts should be awarded based on percentages of races involved in the project