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A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j2rah9o wrote

Are there every any shootings in Worcester? Seems like it’s predominantly stabbings.


GoblinBags t1_j2spjfg wrote

Knives and sharp objects are significantly easier and cheaper to get a hold of than a firearm. I believe (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) that most slashing / stabbings are generally with stuff like kitchen/steak knives.


CoolAbdul t1_j2ri4gg wrote

Every city that installs shotspotter sees a drop in shootings and a rise in stabbings.


erbalessence t1_j2rm6bw wrote

Former medic in Worcester. Many more stabbings and assaults than gunshots in Worcester. At least when I was there.


slum_life_frownface t1_j2rbhec wrote

someone got shot approximately 100 feet from the tape in that photo a few months back. millbury street is a disaster area and FEMA really should take over administration of most of this town.


Psychological-Bad937 t1_j2st89q wrote

No, I actually respect that part of town. The metro Boston yuppies have already taken over the northern part of Kelly Square, even though this part has problems I find that alot of the people that live over there are tough and impoverished but lots of good, real people.