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[deleted] t1_j3vo3in wrote



doublesecretprobatio t1_j3wlbhm wrote

> I feel like the people against the removal of vagrant/junkie camps don't have to deal with those people daily. Using public transit and public spaces is terrifying a few times a month because of junkie vagrants. It's not fair for the general public being forced to deal with filthy homeless all fucked up and making scenes on the bus or in public spaces. I cannot use my local shopping plaza because of the vagrants soliciting and threatening me at every door. That's not very fair to myself and other taxpayers that feel the same. I used to feel bad for them and used to help those when I could. I quickly learned that the population isn't friendly, honest, mature or care about anything but getting high and stealing. It was spending time trying to help them when I started feeling like I do. I'm not even mad they use drugs. I think people that choose to use drugs need to pay their bills first and not waste welfare resources for those in need. As long as a person isn't draining society because of their actions, they're free to do as they please. I know my opinion isn't going to be popular here so here's more, We (Americans) need to end the taboo around suicide and death. Let's offer ethical euthanasia to those that want to end their life and recidivist drug addicts. I'd imagine a lot of addicts use dope with the end game killing themselves, so let's help them help themselves. I certainly wouldn't be writing this post if I had that option.

holy shit.


[deleted] t1_j3yg8ze wrote

Indeed. If anyone here is reading that and unironically agreeing, I genuinely pray for your eternal soul. And I'm not even religious, but this way if thinking is how you get front row seats straight to Hell.


[deleted] t1_j3vqgw6 wrote

TLDR, you think poor people are all addicts out to kill you or have psychotic breaks 24/7, all while calling them junkies and filthy and that they should euthanize themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how to be a sociopath with zero empathy or actual real life experience around the homeless.


[deleted] t1_j3w8lm8 wrote



rbcarter101 t1_j3x0i5t wrote

Literally every comment in your moderation log is just you being rude. Chill out.
