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oceansofmyancestors t1_j3w1xif wrote

Yep. The mayor flipped his shit and it was on the local news. It was a homeless shelter in Worcester that was overcrowded, and this was their solution.

Springfield also takes a disproportionate amount of refugees. So the state just dumps them there because cost of living is cheaper. But there’s less resources and less jobs as well.

The state also stiffs Springfield a lot. One example is bussing. Springfield has a weird system where they jumble up the kids from all over the city and place them in schools that aren’t necessarily the closest to their homes. The state is supposed to pay for the cost of bussing everyone but they don’t actually pay.


hXcPickleSweats t1_j5m9flb wrote

They do this all the time. It likely only made the news that time because of the mass being moved. If you're in a homeless shelter you are at their will or you loose your roof and bed and sometimes more. If they want to move you an hour away, it's that or the street. You don't have a say when your homeless or in need like that.


oceansofmyancestors t1_j5ml24m wrote

I think the issue was that they didn’t inform anyone in Springfield. They were overwhelmed, so they took people who had no ties to WMass and just dumped them. Never contacted a shelter here. Just basically told these people to eff off.