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BobQuasit t1_j5l9erl wrote

We are SO overdue for a reenactment of the French Revolution!


0lazy0 t1_j5lt3rg wrote

64%??? That’s absurd


legendofsteve t1_j5mitt7 wrote

IMO it’s their collective culture. The US doesn’t have that, since it’s made up of so many different people from different places. The US is more like the EU as a whole with the states being individual countries.


TheGreenJedi t1_j5mpwll wrote

Yeah, literally got a solar install in 2020, bill dropped down to 40-50 depending on weather in winter. It used to be like 120-150 depending on the use of the electric heaters in basement.

After the wage hike, I'm right back up to 120-150. For the same electrical use as the year before.

So pissed


sharvey4994 t1_j5or1wz wrote

They do this all the time, they’re gonna drop prices 44% because “they care about the customers and the feedback” then they can get good publicity AND a 20% day at raise


horaciojiggenbone t1_j5pj14f wrote

I lived in a poorly insulated building dowtown and racked up 1500 in electric bills in three months. Had to pay it all too. No help from the leasing office. Took me over a year to pay it completely off. Stay away from Bancroft on the grid!


Kirbyoto t1_j5psidn wrote

The first one isn't about "feeling bad" it's about reducing strain on the power grid.


sunshinepills t1_j5u8pry wrote

Unfortunately, this is the cost of decarbonization.