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The_Mahk t1_j5zl3gu wrote

Nick Patchen at truepenny and Josh @ heartland


davidcronenbergscats t1_j5zqx47 wrote

I haven't been to Truepenny but I went to Nick a few times back when he was at Axe to Grind and I'd back him as well. I didn't love the vibe of that place, but Nick was a great barber.


The_Mahk t1_j5zr65z wrote

I used to love axe to grind at first but as they got bigger I think it really soured the vibe.


Bootlicker222 t1_j5zxxo5 wrote

Place has the goofiest vibe lmao


davidcronenbergscats t1_j5zyx5f wrote

The vibe was "COVID violations" last time I was there.


DazeKaze t1_j61rwfl wrote

It started with such great vibes and then got weird fast. The owner got really mad and DMed me accusing me of reporting him for COVID violations and threatening me. I recently met someone who said the owner was trying to get clients to follow his and his wife's onlyfans. I fucking died laughing.


davidcronenbergscats t1_j64c9fy wrote

I love the idea that it must have been you who reported them for COVID violations and not any of their hundreds of other customers who probably witnessed their complete disregard for COVID safety measures.


yupitsdueforone t1_j6drf4z wrote

Nobody gaf about what you think and who "dms" you...loser


DazeKaze t1_j6ehcvd wrote

You cared enough to comment. Thank you for caring!


The_Mahk t1_j60pn81 wrote

So when I first started going and it was just Justin, Mike, and a girl named mel or something in 2017 (or something I forget actual year)it was a cool spot, but with covid and success it got out of hand