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burtleburtle t1_j874hmd wrote

Most of my prompts do not require fantasy elements. I limit myself to posting at most one a day. Usually they're based on a real problem or observation, but I translate it so it's not identifiable. And abstract it to hint how a story could be made out of it without binding responders to any unnecessary particulars. Like, two choices but would it be cheating to combine them? That one got struck down as too abstract, so sometimes I add arbitrary particulars. Like, big mac vs filet o fish but maybe I can ask for tartar sauce on big mac?

Some days I get a prompt-writing binge, like recently "any time I changed my ways is a prompt". Then I have a file where I can stash away unlimited potential prompts. Later if I'm feeling that posting prompts is worthwhile, I can pull from that file once a day if nothing else jumps out at me. I put a star in the file by the ones I've already posted.

Most of my prompts are ignored. That's fine. Prompts aren't the important thing here, stories are. I try not to respond to my own prompts, but sometimes I do anyways, but when I do I give others a few hours lead time. I try to write roughly as many stories as prompts, preferably to other people's prompts. I used to try to do 2x as many critiques of stories as I do stories, but I haven't even done 1x recently. I only critique stories I like.


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_j879oyp wrote

Considering the fact that most people here write fantasy prompts and fantasy stories (Myself included, I do understand why many of your prompts are ignore.

Utmost respect for realistic prompts though, it takes a bit of skill to write them and for them.

Intresting that you also put your Irl probelms in it.

I tend to reply to nearly any post in my prompts as they gave a good try, perhaps I should take leaf of your example.

Thank you!