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DragonLordAcar t1_j9i03kh wrote

I’m not saying they are perfectly logical. Flaws exist but they can’t have emotions. You can have flawed logic and glitches in a program and still have it follow a set of logic in the same was as an insane person will still comprehend reality logically abet in their own warped way.

A perfectly logical program could not exist as perfecting is inherently imperfect as you can never be perfect at everything. Everything can be improved even if only idealistically.

Long story short, an AI can not feel joy, hate, sadness, envy, or any other emotion. Instead, they complete tasks as their program believes is the best way improving it with new information as they go. This often leads to corruption hence routine maintenance is a thing for programs.

A good AI representation is Baymax from Big Hero 6. If acts friendly and alive but is always just following a program. It is programmed to be helpful using data from its database and learning as time goes on but never deviates from the core programming. This is shown when it has a new chip added, has the other removed completely altering its functionality, has it added again, then refusing to let it be removed again as it is seen as unhealthy for the MC. It even sends the program away as it is seen as still needed even if only sentimentally at that point.

The old Casshern anime (not Casshern Sins) also does this. Braiking Boss was made to solve the environmental issues. It saw humanity as the biggest problem so built an army to remove them from the equation.


Yrcrazypa t1_j9istmg wrote

What are emotions but flawed logic?


DragonLordAcar t1_j9jx7zp wrote

If you look up emotions vs logic, you will see the differences. You can’t program an emotion but you can make it seem like it has them. And emotion is not needed for sentience and may not be necessary for sapience. Still stands that a computer can not have emotions especially with any technology we may get even in the near future.


WesternOne9990 t1_j9ittzl wrote



Yrcrazypa t1_j9iu3dl wrote

No, I'm just not convinced that humans are the most unique and special snowflakes in the universe.