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Glitched_cyrstal t1_j87iouj wrote

The last character I created needs a little explaining, I have created a universe in which sometimes a form of matter known as "glitch" appears. This matter disrupts space time, is highly unstable, and is not meant to exist. When a living organism collides with such matter, it can corrupt that creature into an all powerful being of death and destruction with no remorse for its actions. The last character I have thought of is Glyoqxzine, (best pronunciation possible by a human tongue) this is the most powerful known "glitched being" and singlehandedly destroyed 57 dimensions (a dimension in this case is one of the infinite 3D cross-sections of a 4D universe, makes sense in context) before being wiped out by a glitched hypernova, a supernova like event where the star is filled with glitched matter. Since it is so unstable, when it finally does explode, depending on the size of the star it can destroy a dimension on its own. Not that much so far, because I thought of it a few days ago in band class, but I will soon come up with some of the horrendous acts of destruction it committed when it was alive. These things can destroy entire planets with a swing of their hand. (but usually don't since it causes more suffering to have it slowly burn away as the last few moments flash before the eyes of those unfortunate enough to have survived this long, the agony coursing through their veins, well all they have ever loved is incinerated right in front of their very eyes. Death is sudden, pain is eternal)