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ruraljurorlibrarian t1_j8tcf7h wrote



show me the

moon's belly

the bottom of her white skirt

crescent stretch marks

yellow light firefly

drive in movie


on the mountain immortal dogs run wild

watch out for curled tails bared teeth

each awake when tomatoes bloom


winter woods watch

shedding woolen wrappings of ice blanket

peaks shred revealing naked rock thigh

as spring lights the spark parting

powder snow leaving ash behind

each season a funeral procession


Not_theScrumPolice t1_j99z0ll wrote

Hi ruraljurorlibrarian,

I really like the imagery of this piece. The words flow very nicely and create a sense of peace somehow, if that makes sense.

A little nitpick:

>each awake when tomatoes bloom

I found I lost my immersions with this sentence at the word 'tomatoes'. Might just be me missing it's meaning but for me, it broke the vibe of the poem.

My favorite sentence:

>each season a funeral procession

I find this sentence to be really powerful and an excellent ending to your poem.