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t1_j9udpzg wrote

Gregnok stepped into the guild's office and grunted "I am ready for my next mission, sir."

Snelren, sighed. He was at a loss for what to do. Gregnok was going through a contract a day and completing every single one without failure. He should be thrilled. Instead each day was another punch to the gut. Gregnok was the least discrete assassin he had ever come across. He was skeptical of his size, but his kill sheet spoke for itself, or so he thought. Ever since he accepted Gregnok into the guild their reputation had plummeted. From masters of disguise and subtlely, The Shadows Hand had earned their name. Gregnok however, seemed to not know the first thing about either. Worse still, he was convinced he was a master of both.

"Very well. I have your next target here. And please. Gregnok. Try not to be seen." Snelren was honor bound to keep Gregnok's guild membership valid due to his track record, but he wasn't required to hide his disappointment.

"I am invisible. I am stealth. I am the night. Do not worry." Gregnok said flatly.

"Right. Of course. Just be sure? Okay." Snelren said, handing over the black envelope containing his next mark.

"Always." Gregnok said with a nod before loudly running out the door.

The average assassin under The Shadows Hand was lean. They wore dark blue colors to blend into the shadows. Their shoes were custom made with special fabric to dampen footsteps to almost completely silence. They moved with grace. Most were scholars and well educated. Their weapons of choice were poison and daggers. Gregnok was not anywhere near the average. He was 600 lbs of mostly muscle. His green skin caught every shred of light and amplified it. He towered 8ft tall. His intelligence was estimated to be that of a child. And his weapon of choice? A 150 lb spiked sledgehammer.

Gregnok located the compound. Inside was his target. He would have to sneak past the many guards as usual of course. He crouched and began to try and sneak towards the two guardsmen. The first guardsman spotted Gregnok 300 yards away. "HOLY FUCK! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING! IS HE COMING HERE???" The second guardsman grabbed the first by the chest and held up his sword threateningly. "Quiet! Are you trying to get us killed? That's Gregnok! He's killed hundreds with just his bare hands. You're insane if you think we're paid enough to try and stop him." The other guardsman looked scared and confused. "What? That's him?"

"Yes. Do you really think there are that many orc giants around? Now quiet! I've heard from half a dozen men in the field he will leave you alone if you pretend not to see him." The guardsman gulped. "Fuck. Alright."

Gregnok was closing in, the guardsmen had seemed to be fighting. Perfect, even easier to sneak past them he grinned. The two guardsmen were now just a stones throw from Gregnok when they neverously resumed talking. "Oh man! Look at that, I think it's a shooting star." The other guardsmen said in a poorly acted line, "Wow, yes, I do think you are right. It's so beautiful. Let's just take a couple minutes to appreciate it. By looking exclusively up. Clearly no one is around to stop." Gregnok was just a couple feet away at this point and stopped to look up. "I don't see it." He said and the two men broke into a sweat. The first guardsman nervously tried a new approach, "uhh.. umm.. Hey, Markin. Isn't it our lunch break actually? We should just go." The other guardsman hastily stammered "wow, yeah, look at the time!" And the two awkwardly stepped around Gregnok as they spedwalked away.

Gregnok resumed his approach into the compound. He must have perfectly timed his approach with the guards lunch schedule. He was a genius. He entered the courtyard next where four guardsmen sat playing cards. One shot up and instinctively yelled "Intruder!" And grabbed his sword before promptly exploding under the force of the orc's sledgehammer. The remaining three guardsmen froze. "H-hey, did you guys hear anything?" The other two quickly yelped "Nope!" Then the first continued "Great umm.. It's.. It's your guys turn, he said wiping brain out of his eye."

Gregnok smugged triumphantly. He had executed the guard before the others could be alerted. Snelren could learn a thing or two from him. Finally he entered his target, Ezral's, personal chambers. "Gods! How did you get in here! Guards, kill him!" The two men standing next to Ezral rushed into combat. Their insides turned to outsides before their arms were even in reach of the brute. Ezral's face turned white with fear and anxiety and collapsed from a panic attack. Gregnok simply walked up to him and crushed his head like a melon with a casual foot step. No can see you if there's no one left to see you. Gregnok smiled. He was invisible. He was stealth. He was the greatest assassin to ever live he told himself as he expertly snuck out of the compound, not a single person noticing him. Snelren will be so jealous.


t1_j9w1s8n wrote

"YOU DONT SEE GREGNOK!", Gregnok screamed as he approached the Guard.


t1_j9wp396 wrote

"I don't see it" made me laught out loud. You got a couple chuckles, but that really got me.


t1_j9wufo7 wrote

This story made me burst into a loud chuckle and sneezing attack, at work, in front of people. Bravo and we’ll done