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Benhow200 t1_jadkfkh wrote

Fredrick smiled as he twirled the wine glass with two fingers, shutting his eyes to his own murky reflection as he sipped on the red liquid. "A fine day," he began a moment later, placing his beverage down upon the dinner table, "would you not agree?"

"Most certainly," another man, accompanied by his spouse, nodded, grinning pleasantly. "It has been a long time indeed, since I could last reveal myself so openly."

All around, the soft murmur of chatter reverberated across the chamber. Fredrick's toothy beam only expanded, as he basked in the jovial atmosphere. He too had been getting rather exhausted with keeping his cravings in check. But here? At his own private gathering — not to mention in the company of his own kind — his carnal desires could be wrenched from their leashes at last.

"Please do engorge yourselves, my dears, on the fountain as much as you see fit."

Glass now empty, Fredrick swished the vial through the crimson streams, doing his best not to stain the sleeve of his suit. He could tell that many of the newcomers to their society were giving the suspiciously human-looking lumps at the bottom of the waters concerned looks, but he paid them no mind. They would learn, eventually. Perhaps, given enough time, they would even become accustomed to it.

Sebastian kept up his pleasant demeanor, a certain entranced twinkle highlighting his eyes, whenever he did glimpse upon the brilliant stream. "Lifeblood," he sighed, "there is no greater thing. Yet again, I find myself thanking you most dearly, Fredrick."

As Fredrick's guests went positively insane with whatever was the vampirical version of gold fever, he shut his eyelids softly, leaned against a marble pillar, and relaxed. Another successful party, was the only thought to cross his eased mind.

The proceeding crash made sure to do away with that momentary peace, however. Jolting awake, it would be safe to say that Fredrick was more flabbergasted than irked, as an upheaval of blood rendered his grey suit unwearable. Some dark shadow had just fell directly into the fountain, and by the creaking of an open window overhead, whoever it was most certainly didn't have an invitation.

"I don't suppose you ordered an extra serving of blood, did you, Fredrick?" Sandra, Sebastian's wife, spoke.

"No." Fredrick felt the muscles of his mouth bending downwards. "No I did not."

With enough force that every bone in his right arm and hand cracked, he pulled the robber out of the disturbed lifeforce, frowning most severely.

The burglar squirmed in his grip, and even behind their jet black mask, Fredrick saw the man's eyes dart all around in horror. "What — no, I-"

Fredrick pushed the invading presence back down into the fountain's vermillion depths. There was an obscured thumping sound, and no body surfaced again.

"Apologies everyone," Fredrick swept down his shirt and tie, moving towards his private chambers to redress himself, "I must have forgotten about the refill I ordered. Please continue as you were!"