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Character-Data432 t1_ja2ia95 wrote

John’s anxiously peering through the curtains of the Shady Oaks motel, sweat dripping from his brow, frantically scanning their surroundings.

-“I can’t believe you dragged me into this”- said Chris as he sat on the bed, rocking back and forth trying to calm down. -“what is even the point to all of this John?!, they’re going to catch us any minute now”

-“Fuck, Chris, stop being like that, they’re going to realise that it was nothing more than a prank and all of this will blow over, I promise”

John barely has a moment to finish his sentence when the door comes down in an explosive flash, the room fills with smoke, revealing multiple figures that encompass the room.

-“Hands on your head. John Knocksville, Chris Pontius, you are under arrest for the murder of Vlad Smith. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be used…”

The sound of sirens drown out everything as our two suspects get apprehended, infinitely screaming: “How was I supposed to know that Dracula is a registered citizen with rights? It was just a prank!!!”